Monday, August 5, 2013

To Japan and back

A land of wonder, a land I had only read about and seen in movies or television. Never did I think I would be a visitor there.  But to further my spiritual studies and travel towards my goal of a lay minister with the Church of PL (Perfect Liberty) to Japan I had to go for intensive training.  A must is the participation in the Founders' Day ceremony. This holiday is August 1st.  People come in the thousands to pray,celebrate and be together on this day.  It is an awesome experience.
Through this ceremony, we honor the spirits of the First and the Second Founders and dedicate ourselves to spreading and sharing the PL faith with others for the rapid realization of World Peace.
Through lectures and talks, followed by group discussions we are better able to learn and practice the teachings of Perfect Liberty.
The whole training period is spent not only in learning via the spoken and written word, but by physically doing actions (i.e. physically washing a floor or sweeping the street) that are outside our daily comfort zones.
The fireworks that take place after the official ceremony are simply mind blowing in their magnitude.  I will be writing more about my trip on my other blog  please join me there and follow the blog if you are interested in knowing more about my journey to Japan, and my life long devotion to PL which to me is the TAO 
Loving one another is an everlasting gift we give ourselves.  Peace be yours this day and always.   Thank you for sharing this moment with me.   Blessings.

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